dialogId("rea-m-anebo", "font_small", "Then again, maybe this isn`t a nuclear reactor.")
dialogId("rea-v-acoby", "font_big", "So what is it, then?")
dialogId("rea-m-cojavim", "font_small", "How should I know? A cinematoscope? A child`s toy? A shooting gallery?")
dialogId("rea-v-radeji", "font_big", "I`d rather stick to a more rational explanation.")
dialogId("rea-m-jakmuzes", "font_small", "But how do you know what`s a rational explanation and what isn`t?")
dialogId("rea-v-kolik", "font_big", "Well just how many flying saucers, in your opinion, have a shooting gallery on board? And how many have a power plant?")